IT for COVID-19
Working From Home
Tips to set up a Healthy and Effective Workstation at comfort of your own home.
A Good Chair
As nice as it may sound sitting on your couch with a laptop on your lap is not very good for your neck and may cause back pains. Investing in a good chair can help you with your posture and eliminating unnecessary pains or potential injuries.
We recommend getting a high and back support adjustable chair and adjust it so that your back is straight and your feet are flat on the ground.
High Adjustable Desk
A height adjustable desk could be very beneficial as you can adjust it to your preferred mouse and keyboard height along with being able to alter between standing and sitting (if not possible try standing for 5 minutes every hour or so).
Make sure to keep the desk clean and free of clutter as that can lead to unnecessary distractions and disrupt your workflow.
We recommend that you position the desk facing a window or any source of natural sunlight with a view of the outside as it can help with concentration and help with saving your eyes in the long run.
If that is not possible make sure to separate work from private life. We recommend that you have a dedicated work environment that will allow you to physically disconnect yourself from any tasks you do when work is normally over.
If separating yourself fully from everything isn’t possible make sure to at least separate yourself from the bedroom and living room as having them around your workspace can interfere with both sleeping pattern and relaxing time post work.
Plants and Greenery can reduce stress during work time along with additional aesthetic purposes, a workspace that is visually appealing will be much easier to work in.
Another added benefit of having plants is fresher air as they will remove any toxins like formaldehyde and xylene along with adding a refreshing natural smell. Our recommendations include the Devils Ivy/ Pothos, Dwarf Date Palm and a Peace Lilly.
As your company will provide you with a laptop you might think that is enough to go back to your normal workflow. However working on a non-height adjustable relatively small monitor can lead to neck strain as it will cause you to look down all day which will most likely lead to slouching.
Getting a larger height adjustable monitor will not only allow you to position the monitor at eye level it will also provide you with more real estate which can help a lot with productivity allowing you to have more windows open at once.
Have A Set Schedule
As working from home eliminates the need to travel to the office every day it can very quickly lead to a less strict approach to starting the day.
Following the same daily schedule as you had before quarantine will help you with getting in the “work mood”. If you don’t need to or cant follow the same schedule as before try creating a similar one to help with concentration and giving yourself a deadline to finish everyday as it’s a good way to avoid both over working and slacking.
Taking Breaks
Taking breaks can be just as important as working itself as it can help you with resetting to keep up the productivity levels and not getting overly tired in the middle of the day.
Do not forget about food and water and if possible get some fresh air.
Contact Us

Tel: +353 21 2429417
Office 4D,
Northpoint House,
Northpoint Business Park,
Mallow Road,
T23 AT2P.

Tel: +353 1 6853579
Unit 79,
Cookstown Industrial Estate,
D24 H317.

Tel: +353 71 9300180
Innovation Centre IT Sligo,
Ash Lane,
F91 WFW9.

Tel: +44 28 95929056
Office 219,
Forsyth Hse,
BT2 8LA.